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Types of Operating System

 Types of Operating System

Operating system is classified in to 5 types 
  1. Real time processing 
  2. Multi programming 
  3. Multi tasking 
  4. Multi User 
  5. Batch Processing

1. Real time processing 

When the computer has to react within a quick respond to input a real time operating system is used. Ex. Computer games, Space flights.

2. Multi programming: 

Multi programming is a method of operating several programs to be run at once. In this case CPU divides its time and assigns priority to each job. Ex. One job is allocated to printer and another will be being processed in memory.

3. Multi tasking 

The process of allowing multiple processes to run at a same time is called multi tasking. Ex. Running a couple of applications, sending document to printer, and downloading a web page.

4. Multi user:

 Multi user system is one where a number of users are able to use the same system together. Modern personal computers allow multi user access by LAN. Ex. UNIX, Windows

5. Batch Processing:

Batch processing system will collect programs or jobs together. It will store the jobs in queue and processed one by one. Jobs will be stored in a queue until the computer is ready to deal with the user. Ex. Payrolls, Electricity bills

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