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Types Of Computers


Computers are classified on the following two basis

  1.   Based upon the speed
  2.   Based upon the computation
Based upon the speed :-

Based upon the speed computers are classified in to 4 types

  1. Super Computers 
  2. Main frame Computers 
  3. Mini Computers 
  4. Micro Computers

1. Super Computer

 It is very fast and used for scientific applications. 

Uses :

  • scientific simulations
  •  animated graphics 
  • analysis of geological data
  • nuclear energy research and meteorology
  •  computational fluid dynamics
2. Main frame Computer
It is a large general purpose computer and it is used to store large amount of data. 

Uses :
  •  support hundreds or thousands of users, 
  •   handling huge amounts of input, output, and storage.
  •   It is used in large organizations to share data and programs between many users.
  •   It is used as e-commerce servers
  •   It is used to handle transactions over the Internet. 
3. Mini Computer-
   It is smaller than main frame computer and bigger than micro computer. It have multiple terminals. 

 Uses : 
  •  Minicomputers may be used as network servers and Internet servers. 
4. Micro Computer-
It is commonly known as Personnel computer.

  • It can be used for single applications as well as multiple applications. 
Advantages / Uses of computer
The uses of computer are listed below :

• Word processing 
• Data processing and statistical analysis 
• Storage and retrieval device (medical records) 
• Communication device (E-mail, telephone, internet Websites) 
• Processing device for images, graphics and sounds. 
• Teaching device. 
• Medical diagnosis (Tele-radiology) 
• Prescriptions. 

The evolution of modern computer is divided in to 5 generations.
  1.   First generation (1942 -1958)
  2.   Second generation (1959-1965)
  3.   Third generation (1966-1975) 
  4. Fourth generation (1976-1989)
  5.   Fifth Generation (1989 Present and Beyond)
1.. First generation Computer :-

  • In First generation Vaccum tubes were used as a component. 
  • It used punched cards as input device, and it uses magnetic tapes and magnetic drums as secondary memory.
  •  It uses Binary code or machine language for programming. 
  • Only one programmer can access at same time 
        Ex. ENIAC, EDVAC


  •  Too large in size
  •  Unreliable  generated heat due to vacuum tubes 
  •  Air conditioning required 
  •  Frequent hardware failure 
  •  Constant maintenance required 
  •  Non-portable 
  •  Very Expensive
 It is used for Record keeping and payroll processing

2. Second Generation Computers 
  • In Second generation Transistor were used as a component.
  •  Transistor is an electronic device which consists of base, emitter and conductor.
  •  It is mainly used for updating files and payroll processing. 
       Ex. PDP - 1

Advantages : 
  •  Smaller size 
  •  Less heat generation 
  •  Less power consumption 
  •  Less prompt to hardware failure 
  • Faster 
  •   Portable
  •   Computational time reduced to milliseconds to micro seconds. 

Disadvantages : 
  •  Air conditioning required 
  •  Constant maintenance required
  •   More Expensive
3. Third generation Computer-

In third generation Integrated Chip(IC) were used as a component. It replaces 1000 transistors = 1 IC. It is used for airline reservations, credit cards, billings. Ex. IBM – 360 

Advantages : 
  • Smaller size 
  • Less heat generation 
  • Less power consumption
  •  Less prompt to hardware failure 
  •  Faster 
  •   Portable
  •   Computational time reduced to micro seconds to nano seconds.
  •  Production is easier and cheaper

 Disadvantages :
  •   High technology is required to manufacture IC. 
  •  It requires temperature control. 
4. Fourth generation Computer-

In fourth generation VLSI(Very Large Scale Integration) were used as a component. It replaces 1million components = 1 single chip. This technology is known as VLSI.
Ex. IBM PC – INTEL 8088

  • Advantages:  Smaller size 
  •  Less heat generation 
  •  Less power consumption 
  •  Less prompt to hardware failure 
  •  Faster 
  •  Portable 
  • Computational time reduced to micro seconds to nano seconds. 
  •  Production is easier and cheaper  No A/C required 
5. Fifth generation Computer-

In fifth generation Artificial Intelligence is used for making “Expert Systems” which can perform task as much intelligence as human beings. 


  • Advantages :
  •   Performance is equal to human expert 
  •  It provide alternate solutions to a problem. 

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