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What is Booting ?


Booting refers to the starting process of the computer. It works by loading a small program into the computer and then gives the program control to load the entire operating system

Types of Booting:
 Booting is classified into two types 
  1. Cold Booting or Hard Booting 
  2. Warm Booting or Soft Booting

1. Cold Booting:

  • It refers to switch on computer. 
  • It is done by pressing POWER button of CPU.

2. Warm Booting: 

  •  It refers to restarting the computer. 
  • It is done by pressing RESTART button of CPU
  • By pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL key to reload the operating system. 

Process of Booting:

 Booting process is depicted in the following flowchart

Steps of Booting Process:

(i) As soon as the computer is turned on BIOS from ROM will take charge 
(ii) BIOS will do POST to ensure whether all the hardware devices are present and functioning properly.
(iii) It will check for system disk.
(iv) It will identify the drive whether it is hard drive or disk drive. 
(v) It will copy the information from ROM to RAM. It is called Master Boot record. 
(vi) It will load initial file into RAM. 
(vii) Initial file loads system file to work with BIOS. 
(viii) It will Load config.sys file. 
(ix) It will load COMMAND.COM file 
(x) Now all the operating systems are get loaded 
(xi) It will give control to the operating system. 
(xii) The computer is ready to accept the input from the user.

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