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What is Programming Language ?

 Programming Language :-

Language which is used to communicate with the computer to perform a specific task is called programming language. 

Levels of Programming Language

Programming language is classified in to two levels.

  1. Low-level language 
  2.  High-level language

   1. Low Level Language:-

Low level languages are classified in to 2 types
  •  Machine language 
  • Assembly Language

Machine Language:- 

The language that a microprocessor can read and interpret is called machine language.

  •   It is a First generation programming language 
  •  Computer can directly execute the program 
  • It does not require a translator. 
  •  Coding in machine language time-consuming 
  •  It uses Binary digits 0 and 1. 

Assembly Language :-

 It is a programming language that uses symbolic codes called MNEMONICS for developing a program. 

  •  It is a Second generation programming language 
  •  It uses instruction codes so that human beings can understand easily.
  •  It requires translator to convert the assembly language program into machine language program before execution. 

2. High Level Language : 

  •  It is machine-independent.
  •  It runs on different types of machines and operating system. 
  •  High level languages are classified in to 3 types

1) Third Generation Language 

2) Fourth Generation Language 

3) Fifth Generation Language

Third Generation Language :-

  •  It is a Procedural language 
  •  It uses series of English-like words.Ex: ADD stands for addition or PRINT for printing. 
  •  It simplifies the program development process for programmers. 
  •  The program must be converted into machine language program Examples: COBOL, Pascal, C, BASIC, C++, Java, 

Forth Generation Language : -

  •  It is a Non-procedural language 
  • It uses English-like words or graphical environment to retrieve data from files or database. Examples: SQL,

Fifth Generation Language:-

  • It is designed to make the computer to solve the problem 
  •  It is mainly used in artificial intelligence research. Examples: Prolog, Mercury

Generation of Computer Languages:-

 It is divided in to 5 generations 1) 

1) 1 GL (First Generation Language)

2) 2 GL (Second Generation Language)

3) 3 GL (Third Generation Language)

4) 4 GL (Fourth Generation Language)

5) 5 GL (Fifth Generation Language

1)1 GL (First Generation Language)

  • It is a Machine language 
  • It uses Binary digits 0 and 1. 
  • It does not require a translator. 
  • Computer can directly execute the program 
  • Coding in machine language time-consuming 

2) 2 GL (Second Generation Language) 

  •  It is a Assembly language 
  •  It uses instruction codes so that human beings can understand easily.
  •  It requires translator to convert the assembly language program into machine language program before execution. 

3) 3 GL (Third Generation Language) 

  • It is a Procedural language 
  •  It uses series of English-like words. Ex: ADD stands for addition or PRINT for printing. 
  •  It simplifies the program development process for programmers. 
  •  The program must be converted into machine language program Examples: COBOL, Pascal, C, BASIC, C++, Java, 

4.) 4 GL (Forth Generation Language )

  •  It is a Non-procedural language 
  •  It uses English-like words or graphical environment to retrieve data from files or database. Examples: SQL,

5.) 5 GL (Fifth Generation Language):

  •   It is designed to make the computer to solve the problem 

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