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 The Components of a computer system is depicted in the following figure.

The entire computer system is classified in to two types 
  1.  Hardware 
  2.  Software

      1. Hardware :-

 It refers to the physical parts of the computer. It is used to store and process the data. It is classified in to two types 
  1.  CPU  
  2. Peripherals 

      1. CPU :- 

 Memory Unit, Control Unit, ALU altogether forms a major unit called CPU. It is the heart and nerve centre of the computer.
      2. Peripheral devices:-
     Devices which are connected to the computer externally are called peripheral devices.
 It includes 
  1.  Input device 
  2. Output device 
  3.  Storage device   
     1.Input Device : -
    It refers to the input devices attached with the computer to feed input. 
         Ex. Keyboard, mouse 
      2.Output Device: It refers to the output devices attached with the computer to display result. 
       Ex. Printer, Monitor

      3. Storage Devices: The device which is used to store data is called Storage devices.

    2.Software: -

The collection of Programs is called software. It is a set of instructions given to the computer to perform a particular task. 

Types of software:-
Software is classified in to 3 types-
  1.  System Software 
  2.  Application Software 
  3.  Utility Software
      1. System Software : -

  • System Software includes the Operating System and all the utilities that enable the computer to function.
  •  It manages and controls the hardware and software to perform a task
  •  Ex : Operating Systems, Compiler, Loader, Linker, Interpreter. 
      2.Application Software :-
         Application software consists of programs that are designed for end user. These are available in magnetic tapes or disks and can be loaded in to the computer memory when desired. 
Ex: Payroll systems, Inventory Control, Manage student database, Word Processor, Spreadsheet and Database Management System etc., 

      3.Utility Software : -

These are called service programs, because these programs support everyday use of computers including memory management, virus protection, file compression, file management, etc. 

Ex. Debugging tools, Find or search programs, Antivirus. 

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