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 The block diagram of a computer is depicted in the following figure :-

Computer block diagram consists of 5 units

  1. Input Unit 
  2.  Output Unit 
  3. Memory Unit 
  4.  Control Unit 
  5.  ALU

  1. Input Unit-
It refers to the input devices attached with the computer to feed input.

Ex : Printer, Monitor

      2. Output Unit-

It refers to the output devices connected with the computer.

 Ex : Printer, Monitor

      3. Memory Unit : -

It refers to RAM. It is called the primary memory of the computer.. It is used to store data temporarily.

      4. Control Unit:- 

 It acts as a bridge between RAM and ALU. It is used to transfer data from memory unit to ALU.

       5. ALU (Arithmatic Logic Unit) :-
 It is used to perform all kind of arithmetic as well as logic computations. 

      6. CPU (Central Processing Unit) : -

Memory Unit, Control Unit, ALU all together forms a major unit called CPU. It is the brain of the computer.     

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